Friday, December 12, 2008


The last day of the Guadalupe festivities seems to be fairly calm so far, and we were able to sleep in until 6:00 this morning. We also were able to miss some of the noise last weekend when we headed to Campanario to attend the quiceañera (15th birthday party) of the oldest daughter of my host family.

Quinceañeras are a big deal throughout Mexico, maybe something like a debutante ball. There are stores which specialize in quiceañera gowns–which look basically like little wedding dresses–and there are reality TV shows dedicated to the outrageous 15th birthday parties of the super rich. In rural poorer Mexico, families might have a small church service and invite family and friends over for a meal and maybe a cake.
our god-daughter, María de Jesús, and her cake (we didn't choose the blonde-haired Cinderella decoration)

At this party, Jess and I were the padrinos (god-parents) of the cake. Basically, this means we buy the cake and are recognized as guests of honor during the party, which involved some delicious turkey mole. Being god-parents is pretty exciting, but is different from the idea of god-parents in the U.S.

In Mexico (or at least in Chiapas), by the time you are an adult, you have not just one set, but probably between 5 and 10 sets of god-parents. You get god-parents at your baptism, your first communion, school graduations (kindergarden up through highschool), and maybe your 15th birthday (only for girls). At weddings there might be a god-parent of the rings, a god-parent of the cake, a god-parent of the band, and even a god-parent of the rented tables and chairs. Basically this is a good way to do some social networking and to spread out the cost of these events (as a school graduation god-parent, for example, you might by the school uniform for the next year).

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